Determining the Cutoff Points of the 5C Scale for Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccines Psychological Antecedents among the Arab Population: A Multinational Study
The 5C scale, which assesses 5 psychological antecedents of vaccination, could be effective in exploring COVID-19 VH. Arab validated version of the 5C...

A COVID-19 vaccine-dare to dream
The global desire to produce and deploy a safe and effective vaccine to protect against SARS-CoV-2 is unprecedented. The UK Vaccine Taskforce has stat...

The granting of emergency use designation to COVID-19 candidate vaccines: implications for COVID-19 vaccine trials
An efficacious COVID-19 vaccine is currently the world's leading research priority. Several nations have indicated they would be prepared to authorize...

COVID-19 Vaccine To Vaccination: Why Leaders Must Invest In Delivery Strategies Now
Leaders must invest in evidence-based vaccine delivery strategies that generate demand, allocate and distribute vaccines, and verify coverage. There m...

COVID-19 - Important considerations for developing and using a vaccine
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 after emerging in China has caused a global pandemic. There are no clinical data yet suggesting that any available ca...

Impact of COVID-19 on women and children and the need for a gendered approach in vaccine development
Women and children are widely considered the most vulnerable in times of emergency, whether in war or during a pandemic. The inclusion of pregnant and...

Comparing COVID-19 vaccine allocation strategies in India: A mathematical modelling study
Researchers used an expanded SEIR model with social contact matrices to assess age-specific vaccine allocation strategies in India. Prioritizing COVID...

Efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines in older people
Older people and care home residents are likely to be amongst the first to be vaccinated, but these patient groups are usually excluded from clinical...